Recommended reading: 1 Samuel 16-17
“David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” 1 Samuel 17:45 NIV
What kind of faith does it take to face the giants in our lives?
In David’s case, it took one little stone, a simple slingshot, and an immovable faith to bring down the mighty Goliath.
Naming Our Giants
What about your own personal giants? How do you kill them? You know, the ones that threaten to destroy you, even kill you.
Perhaps, your giants are physical such as chronic pain or a life-threatening disease. Maybe, they are mental or emotional, and your mind is overwhelmed with depression, anxiety, or another mental health issue.
Addiction or alcoholism may be giants in your life or the life of someone close to you. Financial problems can be insurmountable giants in our lives.
These giants attack in many ways, with cunningly masterminded assaults intent on destroying us. One battle after another will exhaust us and cause a spiritual death to our faith, which is exactly what our enemy intends.
Our God has another plan; He plans for our victory over our giants. Like David, He has prepared us in advance for the exact battle we find ourselves in today.
In the following verse, consider David’s emotions as he asked the following questions.
“David asked the men standing near him, “What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?” 1 Samuel 17:26
Can you feel his passion for Israel and his desire to remove its disgrace? What about the righteous anger he demonstrated at an enemy who would dare to defy the living God?
Just as David protected his flock of sheep from a lion and a bear, so now he would do whatever was necessary to kill the giant threatening God’s army.
In chapter 16, David had just been anointed by the prophet Samuel to become the future king over Israel. In this battle, he would defend Israel just as he had been prepared to during the years he carefully and tenderly watched over his sheep.
A Faith Like David's
David was offended for the things of God. He believed that His God was the one true God, and His people were worth fighting for. The Philistines were pagans, and David would not sit back like the other men were doing and listen to Goliath’s taunting and cursing one more minute.
He believed His God would deliver them, but he would have to take action.
And that he did.
He boldly approached Saul to ask permission to fight. Once permission was granted, he did not waiver or step back in fear. He continued his fight of faith. Skillfully, with a stone and a slingshot, he brought the giant down. Turning Goliath's own sword against him, the giant was dead.
There are many lessons to be learned when we look at the life of David, especially as we focus on his battle against his fierce rival, Goliath.
A few stand out that will help us face our giants.
First. David had a righteous indignation against his enemy, and he would not tolerate listening to his lies like the rest of the army was doing. He would not follow them in fear, but instead, stood on his own against the giant.
Second. David saw the giant for what he was. He understood his weaknesses and strengths. He did not fight him with weapons he was not trained to use. He fought him with faith and the tools he had been equipped with.
Finally. David did not forget his anointing. He could have easily listened to the naysayers and gone back to tending to the flocks, but he knew he was prepared for such a time as this. He was not the same man as he used to be. He was no longer the youngest son of Jesse. He was the future king of Israel, and he was going to act like it.
It's Time To Fight
How does this relate to us where we are at right now? We may not be the future King of Israel, but we have been chosen and called. We also are anointed to face the Goliaths in our lives.
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9 NIV
As we fight our giants, let us remember whose name we are fighting in. Our Lord has equipped us with a faith that can move mountains.
We can overcome fear and doubt with the word of God. We can face physical pain with renewed strength as we cry out to our Comforter and Healer. We can believe for the salvation of our prodigals, knowing that Christ died for them and that by his gift of grace, they can be free from the grip of sin.
Our giants are obstacles that can appear big or small, indestructible or easily defeated. It all depends on our perspective. How big is our God? Big enough to make any Goliath an ant under his little toe, that’s how big!
What does it take to face a giant? It takes one woman or man with the faith to believe that a little stone and a slingshot can make a difference and the simple obedience to take the next step.

Dear Lord,
We admit our giants seem insurmountable. They can be so intimidating and we yield to their force when we should press against it. Keep us strong. May we have a righteous anger when facing our enemies. May we always trust in you, knowing you have already won the battle for us.
Beautiful Blessings, Dawn