Dawn R. Ward
Recommended Support & Resources
When our loved ones are struggling, we need all the help and support we can get.
Here is a list of some of recommended organizations and resources I have found helpful and supportive.

Faith-Based Support for Families of Addicted
Loved Ones
Our group encourages moms of addicted children, prays for their children and brings glory to God. We are here for you!
email: dawn@thefaithtoflourish.com
Offers support through Christian counseling, coaches, and clinics. Also offers training and certification in the areas of mental health, trauma, and addiction.
Celebrate Recovery is a biblically balanced approach to help bring sustainable recovery and healing to hurting hurts through the power of Jesus Christ as they walk the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. Meetings locally around the world.
A&T Challenge employs a biblically proven solution to help those struggling with problems with drugs, alcohol, or other life-controlling issues. They have programs around the world and throughout the United States.
Hope for Hurting Parents founders, Tom and Dena Yohe and staff provide resources for parents hurting over destructive behaviors or choices of their teen to adult children.
Find help, training, and resources for those struggling with addiction and their families. Under the direction of Mark Shaw, The Addiction Connection has a list of residential and non-residential addiction programs, as well as a list of Christian Addiction Biblical Counselors.
Additional Resources:
Allison Bottke - Author of Setting Boundaries with Your Adult Children and God Allows U-Turns; and Speaker.
Fighting Goliath for Mental Illness - Jesslyn McCutcheon is a mental health advocate and coach who helps women who live with bipolar disorder manage their symptoms and disorders more effectively through resources, lived experience, and incorporating God’s Word in order to live a more fulfilling life.
Fresh Hope – A faith-based association of peer-to-peer led support groups across the United States for those who have a mental health diagnosis and for their loved ones. Endorsed by Rick Warren and Saddleback Church.
Hopeful Mom - For loved ones of a child/teenager who’s been exposed to pornography and are in need of support and encouragement.
Hope for the Heart – Offering hope to those who need support through radio broadcasts, biblical counseling, free downloads, and other materials.
Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts – A faith-based community where moms can come together online or in-person support groups to encourage one another and offer hope on their painful journey They provide materials to help moms start groups.
Kaywarren.com – Help for individuals and families dealing with mental illness or suicide.
Lighthouse Network – Free Addiction and Counseling Helpline. A faith-based organization offering free, confidential assistance 24 hours per day by caring staff that is well-trained to help caller locate resources and support.
Loved Ones of Prisoners – LOOP is a faith-based non-profit organization providing support to families of incarcerated loved ones.
Mercy Multiplied – Providing hope to women seeking freedom from life-controlling issues such as physical & sexual abuse – including sex trafficking, eating disorders, self-injury, drug & alcohol Addictions, and mental health issues.
Moms in Prayer International – Moms impact children and schools worldwide as they gather together to pray. Their website offers tools to help you pray and to start groups in your area.
New Life Ministries – New Life Ministries offers helpful solutions to those who find themselves in life’s difficult places and need help and faith-based support.
Prayer for Prodigals – Founded by Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) for hope, encouragement, and community as you pray for your loved ones. Confidential and password protected. Post prayer requests for your child and yourself. Receive prayers back from members of the community. Full of resources – scriptures, prayers, devotionals, places for help, and much more. Send an email to PrayerforProdigals@gmail.com to request an invitation to join the site. Worldwide Day of Prayer June 2nd.
Wondherful – Heather Palacios is the founder of WONDHERFUL, INC a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to saving the lives of those who are struggling thru mental crisis. Their mission is to reach these people who are struggling with their LIFEBOX™ in hopes that they will seek help and choose life.